The Series: Love Your Neighbor
What if Jesus really meant that we should love our actual neighbors? How do we practically do that? What does that look like?
Be Intentional
If we want to love others as Jesus did, we need to do what Jesus did to love others. This week's letter in the BLESS strategy is the last S: Share...
The Fear Factor (+ Grad Weekend)
In order to take The Great Commandment seriously, we must be with those whom God has placed around us. It won’t always be easy, but it is going to...
The Time Barrier
In order to take The Great Commandment seriously, we must create space & margin in our lives to build relationships with our neighbors, those who...
Taking the Great Commandment Seriously
The Greatest Commandment is simple, yet powerful. The best way we can impact Western New York for God’s Kingdom is to actually live out Jesus’...
Not Surviving, But Thriving
Our Heart Check partner from Lebanon joined us this Sunday to share a message streamed across all campuses.