Being formed by Jesus

Welcome to our All Church Journey, called The Core: Disciple-Making. The All Church Journey is a time when every person in our church is learning the same material. This series is a study of our core value of Disciple-Making. In other words, following Jesus and helping other people find and follow Jesus.

Jesus commands us to do this in the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 when he says:

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

To participate, you should have a Core journal, which you can buy in our lobbies. Then, follow along with the daily readings and prompts and get together with your community group to discuss what you're all learning.

We look forward to going on this journey together!

To follow along:

Watch each week's sermon

For further teaching:

Weekly videos

The Original Core:

Revisit The Core, the original series that launched these seven values. Every fall, we will take an all church journey to more deeply study one of those values. We are beginning with disciple-making. So why start there? Because it's the hinge that all our other values hang on. The first three values - scripture, prayer, and worship - connect you to God. The last three values - generosity, hospitality, and outreach - are more focused on others. And in the middle, we find disciple-making. Because it's in the middle of the list of core values, you might say it's the core-est of the core!