The Series: Here + Now
The gospel of Matthew shows us how the kingdom of God is a reality affecting our everyday lives here and now.
Kingdom of God= rule and reign of God, wherever God is King. There is an element of it here and now, as well as what’s yet to come, but we are focusing on what we can know and experience about it in our current reality.
Easter at Revive Wesleyan
Dead is dead, or is it?
Good Friday at Revive Wesleyan
An evening to remember the signifigance of Jesus sacrifice.
The King We Need
As we celebrate Palm Sunday, we know the King has arrived, but what kind of King is He?
Belief vs Faith
Faithful citizens of God’s Kingdom love God by loving others, here & now.
A Mother's Request
Kingdom of God citizens use their influence and leadership to serve; not be served.
God's Generosity
We need to view people, our circumstances, and God’s sovereignty through Kingdom eyes.
Good Enough
What are you holding onto that is holding you back from being a more fully active & committed citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven?
Become Like a Child
In the Kingdom of God, the lowliest is the greatest.