The Series: Now It's Personal
In this series we explore some well known and even lesser known names of God...and the power behind them.
Jehovah Shalom
Jesus was sent by God to provide a way for people to be at peace with God. Since he left he has been sending people like you and me to be messengers...
Every single one of us carry a picture or snapshot of God in our hearts and minds that has developed over time. The picture you have of God in your...
El Shaddai
El Shaddai is used 58 times in Scripture and is used most often in the book of Job. 31 times to be exact. This name means “the Almighty!” ...
El Roi
Chris McKenna joins us from Protect Young Eyes, a ministry focused on equipping and encouraging parents and students to use technology responsibly.
Jehovah Rapha
We get stuck, and God could leave us there—but He doesn’t. He is healer. He doesn’t say, “Just push through a little longer and THEN I will...
In Week Two of Now It's Personal, we look at the most frequently used name in the entire Bible, showing up over 6,823 times. The name is Yahweh....
Jehovah Jireh
God will Provide. Anybody need that? You are deficient in faith? Call on Jehovah Jireh. God will provide. Lacking love? Let God provide. ...